11 July 2011

Coles Meat Agreement

This post has been added so that all supermarket employees can see the difference between open negotiations and secret negotiations, as is the custom of the SDA.


  1. RRR SDA GROUP7/20/2011

    As we have no direct association with any other union, we have been unable to bring you any updates. When they form their committee or start their negotiations, could somebody please contact the site and inform us of a name, phone number or store location so as to enable us to conduct an interview and bring further updates.

  2. Anonymous7/21/2011

    I work in a Coles meat room I know Coles treat there workers much better than Woolies. I'm sure they will treat us skilled tradesman with much more dignity than Woolies. They won't stoop to there low ebb. I know other butchers in Woolies about to jump ship to work with me at Coles for the better pay and conditions. Go Coles and Meat Union.

  3. RRR SDA GROUP9/02/2011

    Word has just reached us that in principle an agreement has been reached with Coles and the Meat Union. First indications are they have maintained their extremely high weekend penalty rates. More information when it becomes available.

  4. RRRSDA GROUP11/01/2011

    RRRSDA GROUP is now on facebook:

    Save us from the SDA


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