Contact RRR SDA

We need your comments, your feedback and your support

You can send RRR SDA an email to this address:

so that we can talk with you about what can be done to restore our union.

Those members wishing to nominate or correspond privately use the above email address which can only be accessed by the editor of the site, whom will keep all information confidential. If phone numbers are supplied, we will get back to you as soon as possible. 


  1. RRR SDA GROUP5/24/2010

    We ask that when posting comments on the site that you do not lead to identifying individuals. The current censorship is as a result of directions from the SDA leadership which is a shame as our intention is not to stand members of our own group for elected positions but solely to encourage SDA members to take a greater interest and stand for elected positions. Organisations, including the SDA, would lift their game when there is a strong opposition exposing the inefficiencies.


  2. Anonymous6/15/2010

    Why is there all of this talk about 'we' but no one has put their name to this campaign? Who do you actually want us to vote for?

  3. RRR SDA GROUP6/15/2010

    The RRR SDA Group was a result of a group of retail workers working for a large firm who were discussing how bad our Agreements were over a lunch break. After discussing the loss of our conditions and the lack of payrises we got for the conditions, someone suggested that an effort should be made to restore the conditions. The present leadership of the SDA who made whatever deal they made in giving up the conditions to employer groups will never be in a position to demand the reinstatement of these conditions owing to the fact they were part of some deal that you and I don't know about. Our lunchroom group are past middle age, that's why we are so aware of what we once had. We feel that we are not capable at our stage in life to take on the leadership of a Union so our aim has always been to encourage somebody employed as a retail worker to seek election.

    During our discussion it was mentioned owing to the size of the SDA membership to run a successful campaign for election is beyond the resources of working people. One newsletter putting forward your policies and aims would cost in the vicinity of $150,000 (mainly due to postage) The only way to get sponsorship to the amounts of money required would seek donations from our employers or other trade unions which would create a situation where we would be indebted and would be no better off than what we are now. Decent trade unions are not in the business of undermining the movement in general. Employers would require as payback and further reduction of our conditions.

    The blogsite has been set up to allow people such as yourself to reach other retail workers in Australia without incurring these outrageous costs. The SDA has unlimited funds which is $38.5 million per year. The funds are used at the discretion of Joe De Bruyn and his state secretaries.

    We are hoping that current members will make themselves available for elected positions.

    I would put it to you that a Union's secretary's job is similar to a store manager's job who hires department managers who are given specific tasks to achieve and should they not be competent replace them with those who can. e.g. a top law firm to handle legal
    health and safety experts can be recruited
    from Worksafe or A.C.T.U.
    negotiatiors can be recruited from
    other unions that have a proven
    track record.
    Or any other expertise that are
    required to fulfill commitments given
    to members

    The campaign can only be successful if people are encouraged to visit the blogsite, take an active interest and spread the existence that there is a site available that is independent, not seeking election for itself, only to assist people who don't have the finances or the preparedness to make deals with those who do.

  4. Anonymous7/31/2010

    We got your newsletter at the Woolies supermarket, Armadale, WA. What's it all about?

  5. Anonymous8/18/2010

    vote for Sam Mete he is the man to get the job done right and get rid of all the deadwood at the SDA

  6. Anonymous8/27/2010

    to all those who have not voted yet get on Sam Mete now he needs your support.Even if he doesnt win it the more votes he gets will sound out a message to Donovan and co.Even if you have thrown your ballot paper out you can get another by calling electoral office on 92857145 and say you didnt receive or misplaced and then you can download it .We need 30 votes only from each Woolies and Coles store in Victoria and Sam will win it

  7. Anonymous8/27/2010

    yes thats right i think you have done your sums correctly there anonymous

  8. RRRSDA GROUP11/01/2011

    RRRSDA GROUP is now on facebook:

    Save us from the SDA

  9. "No bad language, sexist or racist remarks"

    Maybe should read "No bad language, sexist, racist or homophobic remarks", especially since Joe Debruyn is such a homophobe.


No bad language, sexist or racist remarks