09 July 2012


THANK YOU !! to all the friends who helped with the VOTE NO to Woolworths EBA leafleting in Parhran, St Kilda and Balaclava on Saturday. 
Our friends like doing the leafleting. SDA members like the leaflet. 

Voting on the Woolworths EBA starts on Monday 20 August
Voting will be in store ballot boxes. Voting closes on Friday 7 September.

Our next job is to get our leaflets out to SDA members in 
all Woolworths supermarkets before 7 September.

Find your local Woolworths supermaket here.

03 July 2012

02 July 2012

The new Woolworths EBA is BAAAAD for workers and members of the Reform SDA want to vote it DOWN! They can't come out just yet, but want our support to have 3 simultaneous FLASHMOB actions outside 3 supermarkets on Saturday 7 July at 1pm. The three Woolworths Supermarkets they have chosen are:
* Prahran - Cnr Wattle & Cato Streets, Prahran
* St. Kilda - Acland Arcade, 117 Acland St, St. Kilda
* Balaclava - 220 Carlisle Street Balaclava

Some of us will hand out leaflets about the EBA and how it sells workers conditions for an actual pay CUT. That's right, a pay cut.

If you want in, firstly, accept this event invitation, and secondly, write a note on this event wall to let me know which supermarket you will Flashmob outside of.

The flashmob should just be a dance of some kind - any kind, while only a few people hand out leaflets. If we can get a video of some kind up on youtube, that would be great.

30 June 2012

It's time for Marriage Equality in Australia! As SDA Union Members you have the right to have your say to the leadership.

The SDA Contributes $200,000 per year to the ACTU in order to have a say in what proposals get raised with the Government.

Write to your Union, the SDA and tell them you want a push for the Government to legislate for Marriage Equality.

We are told by members that you can find reply paid envelopes in the SDA Union Boards in your lunch rooms, or Alternatively contact us here at RRR SDA and we will endeavor to get envelopes to you

This is the best way to let the Organization know what its members want. Lets Put Our Union Dues to Good Use

 People Power Will Win Out!!! 


 We have been contacted by many Coles Retail Workers who have expressed there disbelief and anger that they cannot return to their work on a part time basis, when they try to return after a period of maternity leave, despite there being provision for this in their EBA.

Why are Coles so determined to cast working mothers aside in order to meet their SDR Targets. Despite the promise to these workers that they will be able to return to their jobs once they finish maternity leave.

We have received conformation from a maternal health nurse that a great many mothers that visit her are upset and confused as to why they can't return to their jobs, as they were promised by their Manager, and allowed for in their EBA.

Australians have rallied and won the right to have Mothers supported with the right to take Maternity Leave, the Paid Parental Leave scheme and legislation that return to work and the right to have your job to return to protected in EBA's.

WHY do Coles think that at such an important time in a Mothers life they want to drag working women back to the dark ages, and discriminate against them for choosing to have Children???

Below is a copy of the Maternity Leave Clause taken from the Fair Work Website 

 1.12 Part-time work
The following provisions apply to full-time and part-time team members only.
1.12.1 Entitlement
(a) A team member may work part-time in one or more periods at any time from
the date of birth of the child until its second birthday or, in relation to adoption,
from the date of placement of the child until the second anniversary of the
(b) A female team member may work part-time in one or more periods while she is
pregnant where part-time employment is, because of the pregnancy, necessary
or desirable.
Notwithstanding the above, a team member who is a parent of a child may request in
writing for a change in working arrangements if the child is under school age. Such change
is subject to the terms of clause 5.3.7 of this Agreement.

1.12.8 Nature of part-time work
Where possible, a team member returning to work part-time under this provision shall
perform the work of his or her former position. Where this is not possible, the work shall
be work otherwise performed under this Agreement.