09 July 2012


THANK YOU !! to all the friends who helped with the VOTE NO to Woolworths EBA leafleting in Parhran, St Kilda and Balaclava on Saturday. 
Our friends like doing the leafleting. SDA members like the leaflet. 

Voting on the Woolworths EBA starts on Monday 20 August
Voting will be in store ballot boxes. Voting closes on Friday 7 September.

Our next job is to get our leaflets out to SDA members in 
all Woolworths supermarkets before 7 September.

Find your local Woolworths supermaket here.

03 July 2012

02 July 2012

The new Woolworths EBA is BAAAAD for workers and members of the Reform SDA want to vote it DOWN! They can't come out just yet, but want our support to have 3 simultaneous FLASHMOB actions outside 3 supermarkets on Saturday 7 July at 1pm. The three Woolworths Supermarkets they have chosen are:
* Prahran - Cnr Wattle & Cato Streets, Prahran
* St. Kilda - Acland Arcade, 117 Acland St, St. Kilda
* Balaclava - 220 Carlisle Street Balaclava

Some of us will hand out leaflets about the EBA and how it sells workers conditions for an actual pay CUT. That's right, a pay cut.

If you want in, firstly, accept this event invitation, and secondly, write a note on this event wall to let me know which supermarket you will Flashmob outside of.

The flashmob should just be a dance of some kind - any kind, while only a few people hand out leaflets. If we can get a video of some kind up on youtube, that would be great.