16 May 2010

Report on SDA/McDonald's agreement

News Limited (Herald Sun/The Australian) has published an article on the proposed SDA/McDonalds agreement.  The article says that 'McDONALD'S has been referred to the workplace watchdog for allegedly underpaying some workers after the industrial umpire threw out an enterprise agreement covering its 80,000 employees.'

You can see the full article here


  1. Anonymous5/20/2010


    A very interesting article...

    Perhaps RRR should post this aswell, or perhaps write it's own article using some of this material and other sources aswell...

  2. Anonymous5/28/2010

    Hi all,

    I can confirm the shocking conditions we are subjected to at McDonalds as employees, I myself have fallen victim to the will of big business, I am usually on window at the Out bound Western ring road McDonalds, and on more than one occasion have fainted from heat exhaustion from sitting in the drive thru window, I have reported this issue to my SDA elected OHS officer who automatically dobs me in to the store manager for complaining and I have been branded as a trouble maker, I contacted the SDA for support but they have told me there is nothing they can do, what sort of Union doesn’t want to help their members with health and safety issues, what is it going to take, does someone have to die before this union and McDonalds will take notice of its problems.

  3. Anonymous5/28/2010

    Contact Worksafe and discuss the matter with them. There was a case a few years ago where a Dimmey's store was closed for a short period as the front counter staff had to work in freezing conditions in winter. The store had to remain closed until new doors were fitted. This sounds like a similar situation but with different seasons. Remember though, you'll unfortunately need broad shoulders if you do.

  4. Anonymous5/30/2010

    Under the OHS law you can have the current OHS rep voted out and you can run new elections.

    Its easy,

    There is good advice avalibe to you from the Victorian Trades hall web site.

    Tades hall also does run 5 day training secions (paid by the employer) and the good new is that an elected OHS rep can choose there own training provider and the company have to pay your wages, and expences.

    Gain controle of your workplace . get your workmates involved ( there is plenty of assistance if you need). organise a meeting at the pub or coffie shop and discuss the issues that effect you and your workmates.Maybe some one at your shop would like to run for a Possition in the SDA and with the help of like minded people make the nessesery reforms to make the SDA look after the interests of there own members.



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