12 May 2010

What do we want?


The RRR SDA Group is committed to restoring conditions of work that have been given away by the current leadership of the SDA (Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association), that is:
Federal Secretary - Joe de Bruyn
State Secretary - Michael Donovan

This means that fellow shop assistants have to stand for elected positions and lead the fight to regain conditions that have been lost:

1.    Restore a decent wage

2.    Restore the casual loading to time + 25%

3.     Remove the clause in the SDA agreement that gives employers the right to reduce part-time hours

4.     Regain some control about compulsory hours that is having devastating effects on peoples’ personal relationships, family lives and quality of life in general

5.     Remove compulsory work prior to 7am and after 6pm Monday to Friday

6.     Re-introduce voluntary work on Saturdays and Sundays


  1. Anonymous6/09/2010

    This sounds fair. It's about time we were viewed as a valuable asset rather than an expense.
    I work at Safeway. One of the greatest causes of low morale within this company is their policy of constantly reducing wages. Even in times of good (record) profits all we hear is we need to reduce wages and cut overtime.
    You need to spend money to make money!
    Look after us and we will look after you.

    Thank you RRR SDA
    I'll be keeping a close eye on developments and inform co-workers about this site in the meantime.

  2. Anonymous6/28/2010

    I agree, it sound fair.

    With the coles agreement up for negotiation soon, I suggest that we use the above 6 items as a log of claims for our agreement discussions.

    We could run some meetings with our workmates and conduct a vote of approval.

    Does any one agree ?

    Also is it true that we can appoint any person to negotiate our agreement ? i think they call it a Bargaining negotiator ?

    If it is possible I think we should nominate some one we trust to negotiate the agreement.

    Even if we nominate our selfs then we could keep an eye on things from the inside.

    Could RRR SDA please advice the group how this process works?


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