07 June 2011

Dracula's File


  1. Coles Gippsland6/08/2011

    First time contributor - the Myrtleford situation is the norm. You will find most of our delegates are appointed by store managers in conjunction with SDA organisers, the majority of which are not the brightest and take it on for the shiny badge, the flag, the paid for meetings and the free dinner.

  2. Anonymous6/09/2011

    I work in a store in Sydney and actually heard a union organiser telling the store manager it was not to him to decide who the delegate was. I quote 'if you let me choose the staff you hire, ill let you choose the delegates'. Sounds like there arn't too many of these organisers around.

  3. RRRSDA GROUP6/09/2011

    Coles Gippsland - there are a lot good store reps who tried to do their best for their members. Their difficulty is the constraints placed upon them by the SDA agreement. A number of them communicate regularly with our site. A lot of the long term store delegates support the SDA agreement because of the savings clauses they contain because over the years the dramatic loss of conditions only applied to new employees whereas they were old employees and not affected, their big sin has been to assist the SDA leadership by putting spin on their agreements and selling out the workers who came after them. This process has gone on for years and years. I would like to be at the dinner table when a young Coles worker turns to their mother delegate and asks the question "where did our conditions all go and who is responsible for the loss?"

  4. RRRSDAGROUP6/09/2011

    Thank you to the NSW contributor for naming your state of origin.

  5. Anonymous6/10/2011

    do you think some states are better then others in the SDA?

  6. Anonymous6/30/2011

    This is a disgrace how can the SDA say they represent us, they appear that they only have their own self interest at heart. Paul Keating once said "When in doubt always back on self interest, at least you know it is always trying!" You are a disgrace SDA.

  7. Anonymous6/30/2011

    I want to vote No but was told the vote is over and there is not point voting now. Thank you very much my store SDA delegate in the office. Not happy Jam.

  8. Anonymous6/30/2011

    Paul Keating was right, was he a member of the SDA.

  9. Anonymous6/30/2011

    How do we now stop these idiots from selling us workers down the river?

  10. Anonymous6/30/2011

    Tony Abbott may help us, he promises everything, he might even bring back workchioces to help the SDA.

  11. Anonymous6/30/2011

    Did you hear Tony Abbott is about to walk on water?

  12. Anonymous6/30/2011

    You idiot Tony might not have a choice if opposes the carbon tax, if sea levels start to rise. It is believed that Donavan can as well walk on water.


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