11 July 2011

Hearing Transcript - Woolies / S.D.A. / A.M.I.E.U

This post has been added at the request of an SDA delegate who has evidence in relation to the Woolworths' SDA agreement - an agreement which was constructed in secrecy. The information on this blog will always be court supplied documentation sworn under oath. The first page of all transcripts will have details enabling the reader to get a copy of the full transcript.


  1. Anonymous7/19/2011

    I'm shocked and disgusted to be a member of the SDA. My fellow workers will be shocked when I show them this transcript. What options do we have to stop this? I first will resign from the SDA and show my shop steward this transcript. I believe any descent person would not want to be part of such a disgraceful group. What about Woolies how much money will they make by being involved in this sort of business dealings? Probably millions, directly from a underhanded deal. Shame on you.

  2. RRRSDA GROUP11/01/2011

    RRRSDA GROUP is now on facebook:

    Save us from the SDA


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